Requirements, benefits, and application process

Golden visa Oman

verified by : Elena Ovchinnikova

22 May 2024

The long-term Golden visa of Oman opens up extensive opportunities for foreigners wishing to live and do business in this Middle Eastern country. Residency for 5 and 10 years, accounts in Omani banks, tax incentives, access to the global market, elite seaside homes, and a warm climate year-round make it a true "save haven" in times of global turbulence.

How to obtain the Golden visa of Oman? 

The investment residency program was launched by Oman's Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Investment Promotion in September 2021 with the aim of attracting foreign investment to the country, contributing to the development of various sectors - manufacturing, trade, tourism - and overall economic growth. The investor's long-term visa, or Golden Visa, can be obtained for 5 and 10 years depending on the amount of investment. With such a visa, residents can travel to the country without any restrictions on the length of their stay, work, and conduct their business in Oman, open a bank account, sponsor family members, and enjoy a range of other benefits that residency in Oman offers. Let's take a closer look at each option of the residency program.

5-year Golden visa

How to obtain?

Invest no less than 250,000 Omani rials in one of the following ways:

- open or buy a company

- purchase real estate

- buy government bonds

The 5-year residence card is renewed every 2 years.

Benefits of the 5-year visa

- the right to work and conduct business in the sultanate without the need for a local sponsor

- buying residential real estate

- opening a bank account

- sponsoring relatives (including children up to 25 years old) and obtaining residency for them

- hiring domestic staff (up to 3 people)

- applying for visiting visas for relatives

10-year Golden visa

How to obtain?

Invest no less than 500,000 Omani rials in one of the following ways:

- open, buy, or invest in a company

- purchase one or more real estate properties totaling no less than 500,000 rials

- buy government bonds

The 10-year residence card is renewed every 3 years.

Benefits of the 10-year visa

- the right to work and conduct business in the sultanate without the need for a local sponsor

- purchasing residential, commercial, and industrial real estate outside of Integrated Tourism Complexes (ITCs)

- opening a bank account

- sponsoring relatives of any age and obtaining residency for them

- hiring domestic staff (up to 3 people)

- applying for visiting visas for relatives

All acquired real estate is fully owned by the owner and can be transferred to other persons.

Golden visa for retirees

Individuals aged at least 60 can apply for a Oman Golden Visa, ensuring financially stable and comfortable living during retirement in this rapidly developing country. To be eligible for residency, they must meet the following criteria:

- monthly income of at least RO 4000 

- age of 60 years and above

- proof of employment in Oman for a minimum of two years

- bank account statements from an Omani bank for the last 3 months

- residential lease or title deed for property.

To obtain the Golden visa

1. Contact our company consultants and ask any questions about obtaining residency in Oman. We will provide you with information about all available methods and assist you in choosing the one that best suits your goals and capabilities.

2. Gather the required documents. With our assistance, this stage will not be tiresome for you. Typically, the following documents are required:

   - Copy of passport (validity must be at least 6 months)

   - Copy of residence card (for Oman residents) or insurance policy (for non-residents)

   - No criminal record certificate (valid for no more than 6 months)

   - Photograph

   - Investment confirmation. In case of investment in business in one of the SFZ in Oman it is required to submit a SFZ lease agreement and company documents.

3. Submit an application for the Golden visa.
4. In about 3 months you will receive the investor visa in Oman and will be able to enjoy the benefits available to residents of this country.

Benefits of residency in Oman

  1. Opportunities and development. Expatriates gain the right to live and move freely in a country with stable internal policies, a rapidly growing and diversifying economy, from tourism to manufacturing. The Omani government aims to move away from the dominant role of the oil and gas sector, creating favorable legislative and tax conditions to attract foreign investors and businesses. Free economic zones are being established, roads and logistics hubs are being built, and elite residential complexes are being erected. One of the actively developing areas is logistics, as Oman stands at the cross-roads of important trade routes between East Africa and South Asia. For this purpose, sea ports are being developed and equipped.
  2. Natural beauty and cultural heritage. Unlike many other countries in the Middle East, Oman is not just desert but also picturesque mountains, cozy bays with white and clean beaches. The wide variety of landscapes is suitable for different categories of residents - lovers of mountain hikes, beach holidays, and hot climates. In Oman, you will find historical forts, traditional settlements, and interesting museums. Omanis are a friendly people with an incomparable cultural code shaped by African culture.
  3. Safety. Oman is renowned for its exceptionally low crime rates, making it an ideal destination for families with children, singles, and anyone seeking safety and security for themselves and their belongings.
  4. Cost of living. It is generally lower in Oman than in more popular neighboring countries, such as the UAE. At the same time, the country maintains high living standards and service quality.

Golden visa for real estate purchase

The attractiveness of Oman as an advantageous entry point to the Middle East market is confirmed by the growing number of expatriates. Currently, the share of the Sultanate's foreign population is about 40%, and it continues to grow. Consequently, there is an increasing demand for real estate - both for personal purposes and for investment. Foreigners are allowed to purchase real estate only in specially designated areas - Integrated Tourism Complexes (ITCs) - with the right to obtain a visa for 2 years and its subsequent extension.

However, the government has developed a long-term residency program, under which a foreigner can obtain a Golden Visa for 5 and 10 years for real estate investments. Residents with such a visa can buy real estate outside of ITCs, not only residential but also commercial and industrial properties. They receive such properties in full ownership and have the right to transfer them to other persons.

  • Tier 1 Golden visa (for 10 years) is issued for real estate investments of not less than 500,000 Omani rials.
  • Tier 2 Golden visa (for 5 years) is issued for real estate investments of not less than 250,000 Omani rials.

There can be one or more pieces of properties; the key is that their total value meets the minimum requirement mentioned above. Homes must be completely built.

Golden visa for business investments

Foreign investors and businessmen are increasingly selecting Oman as a strategic gateway to enter the markets of the Middle East, as the country offers an attractive business climate, low tax burden, and low competition. A foreigner can open a company in Oman in one of the free zones and obtain a Golden visa if the minimum investment threshold and a number of conditions are met.

  • Golden visa for 10 years:
    • Opening a local company with no less than 50 Omani employees
    • Opening a company worth not less than 500,000 rials
    • Investment in a company in the amount of not less than 500,000 rials
  • Golden visa for 5 years:
    • Investment in a business in Oman in the amount of not less than 250,000 rials.

Benefits of opening a business in an Oman free zone 

  • No import and re-export duties
  • Full repatriation of profits and capital
  • 100% ownership
  • Freedom of movement - no need to be constantly present in the country to comply with visa requirements
  • Quick opening of bank accounts
  • No personal income tax or other personal taxes
  • Double taxation avoidance agreement (DTAA) between Oman and Russia

Key requirements for obtaining an Oman investor visa 

  • Minimum age of 21 years 
  • No criminal record
  • Valid health insurance for yourself and family members (if applicable)
  • No deportations
  • Confirmation of investment for the required amount

The investment residency program granting the right for a Golden Visa was created by the Omani government to stimulate GDP growth, diversify the economy, reduce dependence on oil and gas revenues, and attract new foreign capital to the country while attracting highly skilled professionals. In exchange, the Sultanate offers residency and tax incentives. Foreigners are given the opportunity to live freely in a country with a stable political and economic climate and a friendly government. They have the right to open bank accounts, make transfers to other countries, and use international online services and shops.

The Emirabiz team, consisting of professional business, finance, and tax consultants, realtors, and lawyers, will assist you in obtaining the Oman Golden visa, opening business in one of the country's free zones, as well as purchasing real estate according to your requirements.

Still have questions? Write to us and get a free consultation!

Key facts about Oman Golden visa

  • Issued for 5 and 10 years for investments of RO 250,000 and 500,000
  • Residency to all family members
  • Allows the purchase of residential, commercial, and industrial real estate
  • Right to work and do business in Oman
  • Quick opening of a bank account

Get the Golden visa of Oman today

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